Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Yellowstone: Grand Canyon & Virginia Cascades

    And now the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone! Thursday morning we drove 26 miles northeast to Canyon Village where we parked and walked around the Upper Falls area. Talk about feeling small. All you had to do was look down! Everything in Yellowstone is on a MUCH larger scale than what I'm used to seeing in Georgia. Every place you turn you can see the history. Being surrounded by something that has been around for so long kind of puts you in your place. Here's a photo from the Upper Falls of the Grand Canyon:

Upper Falls, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone

   Then we took a short hike on the North Rim Trail and arrived at this lookout point of the Grand Canyon:

North Rim Trail, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone

Me and my honey! (representing our home teams)
    After a few hours seeing the Grand Canyon, we made a couple stops on the way back to our campsite. The first was the Virginia Cascades. There's a few different pullouts along the Cascades and it was a really peaceful place to read and take photos.

Virginia Cascades

Virginia Cascades

Virginia Cascades

    After Virginia Cascades, we stopped at Gibbon Falls. Leaning over the rail to get a good shot was definitely not the most comfortable feeling in the's a LONG way down! But I sucked it up. About 50 photos later, we got back into the car and headed to Madison campground where we celebrated our last night in Yellowstone with a warm fire and some nice whiskey :)

Gibbon Falls
    The next morning we would pack up camp and say our goodbyes. Our route home took us through the Grand Tetons (BEAUTIFUL!). I'll be posting one last blog with photos of the trip home. Thanks for reading!

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